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Books > History >

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results: 17622pc(s)
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Kiss Vendel  : Thatha arx regia -  A tatai vár metszetábrázolásai a XVI-XVII századból
Kiss Vendel  : Thatha Arx Regia - A tatai vár metszetábrázolásai a XVI-XVII. századból
Horváth József : The
Kershaw, Ian : The 'Hitler Myth' - Image and Reality in the Third Reich
Fischel, Jack R. : The A to Z of the Holocaust
Soros, George : The Age of Fallibility - The Consequences of the War on Terror
Bucklow, Spike  : The Alchemy of Paint - Art, Science and Secrets from the Middle Ages
Utley, Robert M. - Washburn, Wilcomb E. : The American Heritage History of the Indian Wars
Schierle, Sonja - Bodmer, Karl -   Prinz von Wied, Maximilian : The American Indian / Die Indianer Amerikas / Les Indiens D'amerique
Paxton, Robert O.  : The Anatomy of Fascism
Mason, J. Alden : The Ancient Civilisations of Peru
Pritchard, James B. (Ed.) : The Ancient Near East - An Anthology of Texts and Pictures
Herzog, Chaim  Gazit, Shlomo : The Arab-Israeli wars
Herzog, Chaim : The Arab-Israeli Wars - War and Peace in the Middle East
Lamb, David  : The Arabs
Mandel, Neville : The Arabs and Zionism before World War I
3,600 Ft
Sen, Amartaya : The Argumentative Indian
Bona, Gábor : The Armenian Heroes of the Hungarian War of Independence in 1848-49
Somogyi Győző : The Army of Transylvania 1559-1690 - Az erdélyi fejedelemség hadserege 1559-1690
Sun-tzu : The Art of War
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