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Könyv > Idegennyelvű könyvek > Angol nyelvű > Társadalomtudomány >

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Kövér György (szerk.) : Magyarország társadalomtörténete I. (szöveggyűjtemény) I-II.
Kuhn, Thomas S. : The Essential Tension - Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change
Kuhn, Thomas S. : The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Legman, G. : The Horn Book - Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography
Malinowski, Bronislaw : A Scientific Theory of Culture and other Essays
Marx - Engels - Lenin : On Communist Society - A Collection
McLuhan, Marshall : Understanding Media - The Extensions of Man
Mead, Margaret : Coming Of Age In Samoa - A Study Of Adolescents And Sex In Primitive Societies
Mead, Margaret : Growing up in New Guinea - A study of adolescence and sex in primitive societies
Morowitz, Harold J. : The Emergence of Everything
Muller, Herbert J. : Science and criticism. The humanistic tradition in contemporary thought.
2 800 Ft
Murray, William J.  : Anarchic Harmony - The Spirituality of Social Disobedience
NARAZAKI, MUNESHIGE : Sharaku. The Enigmatic Ukiyo-e Master.
Ortega Y Gasset, Jose : Phenomenology and Art
Paládi-Kovács Attila : Ethnic Traditions, Classes and Communities
2 800 Ft
Roszak, Theodore : The Making of A Counter Culture - Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition
Said, Edward W. - Viswanathan, Gauri : Power, Politics, and Culture - Interviews With Edward W. Said
Schwartz, Stephen : Kosovo - Background to War
Shari'ati, Ali : On the Sociology of Islam
Siddiqi, M. Mazheruddin : Women in Islam
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