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108.     BESNYÖ, EVA : ’n halve eeuw werk.  [signed + includes: Offset printing based on photo with New Year's greeting for Rozália Pécsi]
45,000 Ft
162.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Márianosztra Jail and Prison], cca. 1970.
45,000 Ft
224.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Calcutta – Town Hall [the caption is likely false: the shown building is not the same as it is named], cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
227.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [The Qutub Minar minaret in Delhi], cca. 1900.
45,000 Ft
231.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Milano. Panorama dal campanile della Chiesa di San Carlo. Cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
243.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rainy Day - Japanese genre], cca. 1930.
45,000 Ft
248.      UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Japanese Temple Gate], cca. 1870.
250.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN (Kusakabe Kimbei?) : Entrance to Shinto Temple, Nagasaki. Cca. 1890
Salviati, Paolo : Canal dal Duca - Venezia [Fotó]
45,000 Ft
Salviati, Paolo : Panorama dal Camp: Di S. Marco - Venezia [Fotó]
45,000 Ft
265.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Die St. Andreas Chatedrale in S’(inga)pore. [The St. Andrew Cathedral in Singapore] cca. 1880.
269.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : Singapore – Town-Hall. Cca. 1880.
270.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Barcelona. El Castillo de Monjuich (sic!).             [The Montjuic Castle in Barcelona.], Madrid, cca. 1870.
45,000 Ft
272.     LAURENT, J(EAN; JUAN LAURENT MINIER) : Toledo. Puerta principal del Alcazar. [The main gate of the Alcázar in Toledo], Madrid, cca. 1870.
45,000 Ft
45,000 Ft
277.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [View of Tunis], cca. 1890.
45,000 Ft
278.     BONFILS, (FÉLIX) : Dame turque. [Turkish lady], cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
285.     SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE) : Mosquée … [unreadable] … ymanie et maisons turques. [Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) with Istanbul skyline], cca. 1880.
45,000 Ft
291.     [SEBAH, (J. PASCAL) & JOAILLER, (POLICARPE)?] : [Turkish dancers], cca. 1885.
242.      [Japanese Temple Gate.] :
46,500 Ft
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