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Könyv > Filozófia >

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Kenny, Anthony : The Metaphysics of Mind
Baudrillard, Jean : The Mirror of Production
Annas, Julia - Barnes, Jonathan : The Modes of Scepticism - Ancient Texts and Modern Interpretations
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm : The Monadology and Other Philosophical Writings
Žižek, Slavoj - Milbank, John : The Monstrosity of Christ - Paradox or Dialectic?
Epperson, Gordon : The Musical Symbol - A Study of Philosophic Theory of Music
Searle, John R. : The Mystery of Consciousness
Popper, Karl R. : The Myth of the Framework - In Defence of Science and Rationality
Lynch, Michael Patrick (Ed.) : The Nature of Truth. Classic and Contemporary Perspectives.
Aristotle : The Nicomachean Ethics
[Aritoteles] Aristotle  : The Nicomachean Ethics
Nielsen, Greg M.  : The Norms of Answerability - Social Theory Between Bakhtin and Habermas.
Tocqueville, Alexis de : The Old Regime and the French Revolution
POPPER, KARL R. : The Open Society and Its Enemies I-II.
Popper, Karl R. : The Open Society and its Enemies I-II.
Foucault, Michel : The Order of Things. An Archaeology of the Human Sciences
Benjamin, Walter  : The Origin of German Tragic Drama
Benjamin, Walter  : The Origin of German Tragic Drama
Arendt, Hannah : The Origins of Totalitarianism
Arendt, Hannah : The Origins of Totalitarianism
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