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Könyv > Vallás > vallástörténet, teológia >

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találatok: 2781db
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Grant, Bruce - Fiore and Jackie Mastri : The Boy Scout Encyclopedia
Gilson, Etienne : The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas
Griffith, Sidney H.  : The Church in the Shadow of the Mosque / Christians and Muslims in the World of Islam
Durkheim, Emile : The elementary forms of the religious life
Wade, Nicholas : The Faith Instinct - How Religion Evolved and Why It Endures
Gillespie, Thomas W. : The First Theologians - A Study in Early Christian Prophecy
McGinn, Bernard : The Foundations of Mysticism
Armstrong, Karen : The Great Transformation - The World in the Time of Buddha, Socrates, Confucius and Jeremiah
Schmemann, Alexander : The Historical Road of Eastern Orthodoxy
Eliot T.S. : The Idea of a Christian Society - and Other Writings.
Kempis, Thomas Á. : The Imitation of Christ
Anselm of Canterbury : The Major Works.
Žižek, Slavoj - Milbank, John : The Monstrosity of Christ - Paradox or Dialectic?
Jurji, Edward Jabra : The Phenomenology of Religion
The Philokalia I-IV.
Bunyan, John : The Pilgrim's Progress
Locke, John : The Reasonableness of Christianity, with a Discourse of Miracles
Pearson, Birger A. - James E. Goehring (Ed.) : The Roots of Egyptian Christianity
Lurker, Manfred : The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons
Panichas, George A. (Ed.) : The Simone Weil Reader
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