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results: 1836pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
237.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Roman amphitheater in Verona], cca. 1900.
171.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rókus chapel and Verseny store in October, 1956.]
299.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rock Hudson signed photo], cca. 1960.
6,000 Ft
243.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Rainy Day - Japanese genre], cca. 1930.
45,000 Ft
185.       UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Railwaymen at Boli cave (Cetate Boli, Transylvania) railway station.], 1908
199.     ORSZÁGH, ANTAL : [Portraits of unidentified persons], cca. 1865.
218.     SIMONYI, (Antal) : [Portrait of Tamas Szana (1844-1908) Hungarian editor, critic, art historian], cca. 1870.
109.     [BORSOS, (JÓZSEF) and DOCTOR, (ALBERT) : [Portrait of Mór Jókai (1825-1904) hungarian writer], 1866.
215.     [SCHEMBOCKE, (MICHELE)?] : [Portrait of Lajos Kossuth (1802-1894) in 1867.], Torino.
115.     ERDÉLYI, (MÓR) : [Portrait of Ignác Acsády  (1845-1906) Hungarian historian], cca. 1910.
200.     PÉCSI, JÓZSEF : [Portrait of Bela Bartok (1881-1945) composer], 1935.
039.     ZANGAKI (Zangaki Brothers, Constantine and George) : [Portrait of an Egyptian man], cca. 1885.
45,000 Ft
201.     PÉCSI, JÓZSEF : [Portrait of a young girl], cca. 1950.
60,000 Ft
141.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Photos from Transylvania indulgences], cca. 1990.
24,000 Ft 10,000 Ft
146.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Photo album of the premier of Leo Fall's operetta Madame Pompadour in Budapest Operetta Theatre on 18th November 1923.]
145.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Photo album of the old National Theatre’s wrecking and the demolition work led by officers], 1965.
060.     UNKNOWN - ISMERETLEN : [Photo album about the making and the introduction of the Baade 152 (also known as Dresden 152) German jet passenger airliner in the Dresden factory on 30th April 1958.]
[Palatinus Strand].
Karl, Julius : [Osztrák közlegény bajonettel]
126.     HUTTERER, G(ÉZA) : [Orsova]: Az uj hajózási csatorna a Vaskapunál a robbantási munkák megkezdésekor. – Der Bau des neuen Sciffahrts-Canals beim Eisernen Thor.    [Cca. 1891]
30,000 Ft
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