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Books > Foreign Language Books > Books in English >

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results: 12520pc(s)
image / author/ item name/ price
Dostoevsky, Fyodor : Crime and Punishment
Sillitoe, Alan : The Ragman's Daughter
Dicken, Charles : Great Expectations
1,000 Ft
Maupassant, Guy de  : Selected Short Stories
800 Ft
Csíky Antal : Az autogén tréningről - About Autogenic Training
2,500 Ft
Fleming, Ian : On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Smith, Adam : An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations
4,500 Ft
Kovács Kornél (Photo) - Töreki Ferenc (Design) : Herend - Selection from the production of the Herend Porcelain Manufactory / Selección de la oferta de porcelanas de Herend
2,500 Ft
Schneider, Norbert : Art of the Portrait
Koyo Ozaki : The gold demon. Volume III.
6,000 Ft
Koda Rohan  : Pagoda, Skull & Samurai
Hughes, Robert : The Portable Dali
5,000 Ft
Makláry Kálmán (szerk.) : Czóbel Béla
2,500 Ft
Marling, Karal Ann - Jim Heimann (Ed.) : Norman Rockwell 1894-1978 - America's Most Beloved Painter
Pollock, Griselda : Mary Cassatt - Painter of Modern Women
Hilton, Timothy  : The Pre-Raphaelites
Aldred, Cyril : Egyptian Art
Foer, Jonathan Safran : Eating Animals
1,500 Ft
Thomas, Marcel : The Golden Age - Manuscript Painting at the Time of Jean, Duke of Berry
Bischoff, Bernhard : Latin Palaeograph - Antiquity and the Middle Ages
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